The CB Party & $10K Giveaway
A community summer giveback in Casper, WY

What is our $10K Giveaway?
Locals who support locals
Check out how our real estate agents give back to family, friends and the community
We are locals who love locals
There's no better way to celebrate our community than with a summer party!
Coldwell Banker The Legacy Group's real estate agents have given back to the Casper, WY community and their clients through a party since 2014. Our event has come a long way from a couple of trays of Qdoba in the building parking lot on Parade Day.
Every year, CBTLG partners with other like-minded businesses that care about the community. Our agents enter clients into a drawing for $10,000 worth of cash and prizes from local businesses such as a furniture makeover, landscaping credit or locally-made artwork.
But the giveaway isn't just for our clients. It’s for the whole community.
In past years, we've loved on Casper with free food, beer and door prizes. Community members of all ages have received the chance to win cash, gift cards and door prizes from local businesses.
In recent years, our event has become large enough to host live music from local artists like Aquile, Zach Schommer, a fun zone for families with entities such as Dream Upon A Princess and The Science Zone, local food trucks, and activities that raise money for local charities such as the Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Wyoming, Project Kenny and the Child Advocacy Program.
We couldn't host this event without the help of all of our business partners, both ones that have joined us recently and those who faithfully help us give back every year. This event is also successful because of our fabulous agents who volunteer their time and talents to make this happen. A special shout-out is due to this event’s go-getter and team leader, Kristen Galles, whose passion, drive and love for this community makes this event possible.
Thank you for helping us celebrate Casper and give back to this great community!
If you missed last year's event, don't worry. You can join in on the fun next year! We can promise: it will be even bigger and better.